The Effects of Alcohol is Killing More People Than Fentanyl

alcohol related deaths vs other drugs

The charts show global consumption of wine, first in terms of wine as a share of total alcohol consumption, and then the estimated average consumption per person. The charts show global consumption of beer, first in terms of beer as a share of total alcohol consumption, and then the estimated average consumption per person. Long-run data on alcohol consumption from the United States gives us one perspective of drinking since 1850.

alcohol related deaths vs other drugs

Alcohol and drug use disorders deaths

  • Yet, only one-third of adults view alcohol addiction as a crisis, compared to over half who see opioids as such.
  • And why were residents of the Appalachia region impacted more and earlier relative to residents of other areas of the country?
  • In their subsequent publications (2017, 2020), Case and Deaton show that mortality and morbidity among working-age Whites without a college degree continued to climb through the late 2010s.
  • However, drug mortality rates were disproportionately higher and increased more in some parts of the country than others, with the highest rates concentrated in Appalachia, New England, Florida, eastern Oklahoma, and the desert Southwest (Monnat, 2018, 2019, 2020b; Monnat et al., 2019; Rigg et al., 2019; Rossen et al., 2017).
  • The ‚disease burden‘ – measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) – considers mortality and years lived with disability or health burden.

Conceptual models of addictive behaviors are useful in understanding why some individuals are more vulnerable to misusing drugs and alcohol. Underlying these models of addiction is the notion that individuals who become dependent on drugs or alcohol have lost control of their ability to use these substances appropriately. These models focus on the moral, medical, psychological, sociological, and economic (rational) factors that drive those behaviors, factors that in reality often overlap (Clark, 2011).

alcohol related deaths vs other drugs

The Blurred Lines Between Alcohol Use and Alcohol Addiction

alcohol related deaths vs other drugs

Expenditures on advertising across all FAB brands increased from $27.5 million in 2000 to $196.3 million in 2002 (Freudenberg, 2014), substantially increasing youth exposure to and consumption of these brands and products (Mosher, 2012). Members of the early 1980s birth cohort were in their late teens and early 20s during the early 2000s, so this group was beginning to drink regularly when the heaviest marketing of FABs occurred (Mosher, 2012). For a thorough review of contemporary alcohol industry marketing and lobbying practices and their association with increased alcohol consumption and alcohol-related health problems and mortality, see Freudenberg (2014). With the exception of the Prohibition era (1920–1933), the United States has historically had fairly moderate alcohol regulations relative to peer nations (Gruenewald, 2011). Except for raising the drinking age from 18 to 21 and enacting stricter laws regarding driving while intoxicated and the ways in which alcohol is advertised, the United States has trended toward less restrictive alcohol policies over the past several decades.

alcohol related deaths vs other drugs

Rethinking Drinking

Overall, researchers found men died of alcohol-related causes in 2017 at a higher rate than women. But when analyzing annual increases in deaths, the largest increase was among white women. In 2020, 4,605 people died from accidental poisonings or noxious substance exposure, with roughly 57 per cent of those who died under the age of 45, Statistics Canada reported. A year later, difference between drugs and alcohol the number of accidental poisoning deaths grew to 6,310, with 3,600 of those people under 45. The pandemic also saw an increase in deaths attributed to unintentional poisonings and exposure to noxious substances, especially among people under age 45. The federal agency’s preliminary data shows that in 2019, before the pandemic, 3,200 deaths related to alcohol were recorded.

A Look at the Latest Alcohol Death Data and Change Over the Last Decade

It is important to note, however, that people do not immediately become addicts in adulthood when a physician prescribes opioids. National data show that nearly three-quarters of individuals ages 18–30 admitted for substance use treatment began using before age 18, and 10.2 percent began at age 11 or younger. These findings suggest that preventing initiation of substance use in childhood and adolescence is important to preventing the development of SUDs later in life (Strashny, 2014). Among the most well-known culprits in the opioid overprescribing crisis is the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma. In 2020, Purdue reached an $8.3 billion settlement with the U.S. government and agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges that it enabled the supply of opioids “without legitimate medical purpose,” conspired to defraud the United States, and violated antikickback laws in its distribution of opioids. Kickbacks included payment to health care companies and physicians to encourage opioid prescribing (Sherman, 2020).

Rates for males were two to four times higher than those for females across all age groups. Alcohol use is a known risk factor for mortality, and the rates of alcohol-induced deaths have risen over the past several years (1). Alcohol use in the United States increased during the first year of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which may have affected mortality rates, especially for alcohol-induced deaths (2).

A sobering reality: Alcohol kills more Americans each year than drug overdoses do

All data and visualizations on Our World in Data rely on data sourced from one or several original data providers. Depending on the data, this can include standardizing country names and world region definitions, converting units, calculating derived indicators such as per capita measures, as well as adding or adapting metadata such as the name or the description given to an indicator. Mark S. Gold, MD, is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University and an internationally recognized and expert in addiction medicine.

  • The ability to relate trends in adult mental illness to other important health and functional characteristics, such as substance use, disability, employment status, and mental illness–related mortality, would be of great value.
  • As a result, ACEs are now well known to be highly salient risk factors for developing mental illnesses and SUDs later in life (Anda et al., 2006; Campbell, Walker, and Egede, 2016; Choi et al., 2017; Dube et al., 2002, 2003; Loudermilk et al., 2018; Merrick et al., 2017, 2018; Stein et al., 2017).
  • In 2015, among persons receiving treatment for substance use in the past year, 22.4 percent reported misusing prescription pain relievers (Haffajee et al., 2019; Hughes et al., 2016).
  • Public health policies that address SUDs have often been underutilized in favor of criminal justice policies—e.g., the “War on Drugs”—that emphasize arrests, incarceration, and punishment.
  • Some of the studies discussed above found drug-related mortality effects of economic decline/distress for Whites but not Blacks or Hispanics (Hollingsworth, Ruhm, and Simon, 2017; Pierce and Schott, 2020).

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) refers to the drinking of alcohol that causes mental and physical health problems. The charts show global consumption of spirits, which are distilled alcoholic drinks, including gin, rum, whisky, tequila, and vodka. With the change country feature, it is possible to view the same data for other countries. Sweden, for example, increased the share of wine consumption and, therefore, reduced the share of spirits. Here, we see particularly high levels of alcohol abstinence across North Africa and the Middle East. Data on the prevalence of binge drinking by age and gender in the UK can be found here, and trends in heavy and binge drinking in the USA can be found here.

QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Drug Overdose Death* Rates,† by State — United States, 2022

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